April 7 , 2006
Volume 41, Issue 22

Shenowda Mena/ Special to The Advocate

Egyptian Christian speaks of equality

By Shenowda Mena

The Associated Student Government elections for president and vice president are quickly approaching, and students don’t seem quite up to the challenge.

As of Wednesday afternoon, only six applications for president and vice president had been disbursed.

Perhaps students have not realized the deadline is quickly approaching. Wednesday is the last day to turn in applications, and a complete application requires 75 signatures for the presidential candidate and 75 signatures for the vice president.

ASG president and vice president is not only for students interested in political science or careers in similar fields. To be successful in the top ASG positions, students only need to care about their fellow students and the future of MHCC and to take action.

Being involved on campus means keeping your eyes and ears open. Know what is going on. Sure, many will only be here two or three years, but the skills that are learned now will help students immensely in their future, as well as helping to make the most of their MHCC experience. Networking, teamwork and getting to know how the legislative process works makes more aware citizens. And hey, putting “Associated Student Government President” on a resume doesn’t look too shabby.

Maybe you’re just not ready for the responsibility involved with ASG president. The number of meetings presidents must attend makes this a full-time job, but at least it is one that pays.

If you can’t make that time commitment, find another way to get involved on campus. The bond measure being proposed this November is an ideal way to fight for the future of this school. There are dozens of clubs on campus that need leadership. The more you put in, the more you get out.

So, show an interest. Applications are in the College Center, and Wednesday, April 12, is the deadline to turn in completed applications and signatures. Don’t forget to vote May 22 through 26.