October 28, 2005
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Make midterms less scary

Midterms are here already. One frustration students find is that no official “mid-term” week is scheduled on campus, as with finals, so it can be difficult to focus on them.

Most students find the midterms of their various classes spread out over two or three weeks, so they must juggle tests with their regular assignments.

Midterms can make up a significant part of a final grade, and should not be taken too lightly.

The school needs to come up with a more coherent schedule for the tests.

But there are many things that students can do on their own to make midterms more manageable.

First, midterms can be less of a hassle with a little preparation: take a look at your course syllabus (it helps to know when and where the test will be), review your homework assignments, read chapter summaries in your textbooks, and make sure you have your scantrons and a number two pencil. Of course, get enough sleep the night before, and enough to eat.

Second, talk with your teacher about the test. Understand what your teachers expect you to know. One of the most common complaints among students is that they didn’t know what to study for. Talk to your teacher.

Maybe our testing system isn’t perfect on campus, but there is still much you do make midterms easier.

Volume 41, Issue 6