October 28, 2005
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Tae Kwon Do kicks off
Brittany Jackson
The Advocate

The Tae Kwon Do Club starts its 32nd year at MHCC.

Going into his third year, instructor Kurtis Smith says, “The class has been real strong holding at least 20 students every term.”

Every year, the class goes to the fall tournament at the Oregon Convention Center. The past records there have been “really good. Most people take second or third place,” says Smith. This year Shara Luedke led the team by taking first place in sparring and second in poomse. Bevin Perkins also did very well, taking second place in full contact.

The students attended all practices and use endurance, self-confidence, flexibility, and dedication to win at the tournament. Smith said, “The most important thing to remember is no matter win or lose, it’s the experience gained that counts.”

The next tournament, State Championships, will be held in the spring. For more information, contact Smith at [email protected]. Practices are held Tuesday and Thursday 9-10:20 a.m in Room PE 144.

Volume 41, Issue 6