February 11 , 2005
Volume 40, Issue 17
Home Staff Archives

Voodo BBQ brings Mardi Gras to MHCC

Photo by: Marissa Hover

The band Voodoo BBQ brought the energy and flavor of New Orleans this past Fat Tuesday to the College Center.

Despite the fact that none of the members are directly from the “Big Easy,” they know the sound very well. “It’s a spicy sound, almost leaves that New Orleans taste on your tongue” said piano/accordian player Mark Bosnian. Bosnian is accompanied by bass player Leah Hinchcliff and drummer Kevin Vanbeem.

As the band played, students had a chance to play in a paper airplane throwing contest to win anything from Mt. Hood Community College folders to sweatshirts.
To find out more about future Voodoo BBQ performances, you can visit their website www.markbosnian.co