February 18 , 2005
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Funeral Services offers mock arrangements
Travis Gdanitz
The Advocate

Funeral Services will be hosting mock funeral arrangements Feb. 22 and 23 in the Town and Gown Room from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.

While this may be a sensitive subject to some, many FSE students said this event is intended to make a loved one’s death less stressful.

A mock funeral is a sort of open house for people who are planning for their future beyond life. FSE student Jennifer Yoshimori said, “ We help them get ready.” Future grievers will have the option of seeing prices as well as signing papers for a loved one’s passing. MHCC graduate and arrangement organizer Joe Sharps, a part-time instructor who graduated in 2000, said he believed the practice is vital to a student’s success in the industry. He said “Yes, it definitely helps,” adding, “it’s nice to have people come in and want to find out what if?”

There is a lot of enthusiasm throughout the whole funeral service program. Brady Gamble, FSE student, points out, “It’s been a little difficult this year, due to part-time teachers.” But it would seem as for any good storybook ending, there is a light at the end of the tunnel. “We’ve had a pretty good record in the past, [with teachers] but I’m worried about what’s going to happen in the future.” said Yoshimori. Gamble, Yoshimori and Sharps all said they had either a family friend who owned a funeral or a had relatives that did. This may or may not be a trait of people in the business but many students and funeral directors have gotten into the business through their family, and those seem to be the motivated ones.

As for others, Gamble said, “People come in to the program looking for a cool CSI job, but when it really comes down to messing with a cadaver, they have second thoughts.” The mock funeral itself is being held for the very reason of having people come and clear up any misconceptions they may have about any funeral process. It also “let’s people get to know you,” said FSE student Rob Ladeaux. In this business, it is an incredibly helpful factor, because the faster you have people getting to know you, the faster you will have your funeral home said Ladeaux.

If you don’t think the mock funeral arrangements have what you’re looking for in post-mortem accomodations guess again, as Ladeaux says, “ You have unlimited possibilities.”

Volume 40, Issue 18