February 18 , 2005
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Help MHCC's luster
The Advocate

There is a lot of talk going around MHCC about how to attract more students. One proposition is to beautify the campus.

Walking around campus, the surroundings are breathtaking. The campus is situated on a lovely plot of land with manicured trees and bushes, there are a variety of plant offerings, even a lake where peaceful fisherpersons can be seen serenely seeking the elusive.
But what of the buildings, our concrete jungle?

It seems the school, with subdued tones and man-made artifice, is a mar on the landscape that is this campus. A striking shock of parking lots and activity, our school is a scar in the forested hillside.

There are people who have ideas, good ones that will help give our campus a brighter feel. The idea of shattering the gray with a splash of color is a bold and exciting one. One that could give Mt. Hood more than just a new look, one that might just give Mt. Hood the new image it is seeking.

One art teacher is making a difference by getting some student art out of the Visual Arts area and into the lives of non-art students. Displays of student art will soon be all around, fostering curiosity and debate, decorating the sallow yellow walls of so many rooms.
The proposition of a student-designed and painted mural just north of the Jazz Café has been debated and decided. This is the opportunity you didn’t know you were waiting for. This is your chance to leave a legacy, to help a school you have come to love, to make a difference in how this school breathes.

Watch the TV monitors around school and read The Advocate for more details on how to participate.

When you start coming up with ideas, think big. This could be the beginning of many murals that might come to define Mt. Hood. Think powerful and diverse, think knowledge and friends, think of all that Mt. Hood has come to mean to you. Think of how important this concept could be.

Volume 40, Issue 18