April 1 , 2005
Home Staff Archives

Self-defense for women only
Jill Aho
The Advocate

The Health and Wellness Resource Center is sponsoring a free self-defense course for women to be held on Saturdays in April.

The course will be offered to 23 women who can attend all three days, April 7, 16, and 23, from 9:30 a.m. to noon. The course is open to all women, but priority is given to students. The instruction will be provided by the Martial Arts Fitness Center of Gresham.

Jina Newman, an area aid with the Health and Wellness Resource Center, said she could think of many reasons to exclude men from admission into the class, one being women are more apt to become victims.

“If I were going to attend and there were men around, it would make me uncomfortable,” said Newman. Another reason might be that women “don’t want men to know the techniques.”

Women who participate in the class might leave with “a lot less fear,” Newman said. “They will feel better about the techniques they use to protect themselves.”

There is a sign-up sheet in the Health and Wellness Resource Center. Call 503-491-7125 or go to AC1051A inside the College Center for more information.

Volume 40, Issue 22