April 8 , 2005
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Spring into new study habits
The Advocate

Getting off on the right foot this term is a good choice. Falling behind is easy, and procrastination will not help you reduce stress, so stay on top of things.

Do a spring cleaning of your study habits, don’t wait until the day before a test to begin reading your assignments. Get your homework done before it is due, you’ll be surprised at how clearly you can think when you don’t have to worry about things you still have to work on.

Another advantage is that if you are on top of your game, then you will have more time for fun, and that is the best kind of stress reliever. Imagine: you finish your paper two days before it is due and you have read all of your assignments, your friend calls and offers you a free ticket to a concert out of town. Thanks to the fact that you are done with your educational responsibilities, you can go!

Making time to get things done leaves more time for the things you enjoy, and staying sane is contingent upon having a good balance.

To help you do this, the Learning Assistance Center is offering several seminars this term. These free non-credit classes are held over the noon hour and many have to do with study habits. To check them out contact the LAC at 503-491-7432.

Volume 40, Issue 23