May 13, 2005
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Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith
Janice Talecki
The Advocate

From the lightning fast start of sky chases and killer droids, to the dynamic light-saber battle on the fiery world of Mustafar, you will not have a moment of boredom or lack of thrills. The nearly two and a half hour movie flew by. It feels like 30 minutes, and yet leaves you wanting more, much more. Yet, I was pleasantly satisfied with the completeness of the storyline.

For those who have been following this fantastic science-fiction series since the original “Star Wars” showing in 1977 (some of us waited for seven hours to be the first in line for the first showing-Oops, our age is showing), you will not be disappointed. After 28 years, it’s finally arrived, and it is completely understandable how the “Chosen One”, Anakin Skywalker, (Luke’s father) could turn to the dark side.

Fans will finally understand how and why Darth Vader becomes part machine/part man, partly good but mostly evil character in the series. Viewers will watch the 24-year-old Canadian heart-throb with the piercing blue eyes, Hayden Christensen, play Anakin in “the role he’ll be known for life.”

Yoda continues to school Anakin in the ways of ‘The Force,’ and tells him, “Fear of loss is the path to the dark side, and to train yourself to let go of everything you fear to lose.”
Except for the coldest of souls, most hearts in the theater will be agonizing in unison as the deeply passionate love between Padmé and Anakin turns destructive. It is finally understood how the twins become separated at birth, and why Leia becomes a princess as Luke lives with relatives and is destined to become a Jedi warrior, like his father.

During a bitter fight, the Chancellor-Sith Lord shrivels up and becomes the evil emperor as he follows his deceitful plan to slowly lead Anakin to the “Dark Side.” For the perceptive viewer, the subtle turning of Anakin is traceable from the opening moment his heroic actions save ObiWan and the ship (reminiscent of the tragic shuttle landing), to the first time he disobeys the master’s orders, increasing to decapitating the unarmed enemy, against his better judgment and “the ways of the force”.

The cinematography and computer generated battle scenes are a technical geek’s dream, especially during the execution of “order #66” although it is painful to watch. You might even find yourself verbalizing “oh no” along with the rest of the auditorium, during some crucial scenes. The film rips deeply to the core of all generations. Good turns to evil in such a betrayal, as it unfolds for the sake of love.

From the ugly skeleton-like General Grievous, to the loveable army of Wookies, to the breathtakingly beautiful Padmé in her dresses that will probably revolutionize the maternity clothing line of today’s designers, the fullness of the movie’s grandeur must be experienced. There are moments to smile, and moments to gasp, but never a moment to rest in this exciting extravaganza of sensory thrills. This episode is by far the best yet. The genius of the creators is overwhelming.

Now that the answers to 28 years of questions have been revealed, new generations will be compelled to view the original series, to catch up all over again. For more information, trailers, previews and much more excitement, check out

Volume 40, Issue 28