December 10, 2004
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During the holidays, remember
what’s really important: Finals!

These days shimmering rain-washed roads glisten as holiday lights begin to appear on houses and businesses. People’s smiles seem more genuine, exuding warmth and goodwill. There is a shared feeling of anticipation going around.
No matter what each person celebrates or chooses not to celebrate, one exciting thing is true for all students alike: winter break is upon us. For some this means traveling to see family; for some it is time to relax with close friends.
And for students there is one minor detail left to deal with: finals week.
This is an easy time to lose focus. School is basically out and many of us have special things planned for the break. But it is important to hang on, and stay focused for a few more days.
Fall finals may be the most difficult, because students are still getting back into the swing of classes when finals seem to have sneaked up. It’s also the coldest, wettest, darkest time to be on top of things.
But this is an important time to stay on top of studies. Most instructors are willing to work with a student who needs help preparing for a final. Take it easy as you study. Spread out the load. Study for only one or two subjects each day, rather than cramming it all in one day. Get up every 45 minutes and stretch for a few minutes. It will keep you alert and energized.
Those who have taken psychology 201 may remember that the emotion you felt while studying is the same emotion that will help you remember. So sit back and read over the class materials with a hot drink. Then, on test day, have a good breakfast, don’t rush out the door. When you get to class, get comfortable and take a deep breath. You’ve got this thing in the bag.

Volume 40, Issue 11