September 30, 2005
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Memorial scholarship
nearing perpetual funding goal
Brandon Van Bibber
The Advocate

The horse is nearing the finish line. Students with tickets in there hands wait anxiously. It’s going to be close.

“So, we are at the point with all (and there have been MANY types) of our fund raisers that we are at just about $45,000,” says Linda Neumann referring to the Shelie Macias scholarship. Linda Neumann, with JoyLynn Woodard and the AAWCC (the American Association of Women in Community College) have been building this scholarship since fall term in 2001.

What they desire the scholarship to be is an ‘endowed scholarship,’ which means that a lump sum must be attained, roughly $50,000, so that that amount can create interest of the amount of an annual scholarship. That way the scholarship is self-sustaining.

This goal has not been met yet. The AAWCC is to thank for raising the initial $25,000. One of the main sources of funds is the biannual used book sale, during May and October at MHCC. Another source comes from direct donations.

When one wants to donate they can find brochures and people to speak with by contacting Linda Neumann, JoyLynn Woodard, and/or AAWCC.

A little background must begin with Shelie Macias. Shelie Macias died on December 17, 1998, and other than a garden on the MHCC campus, that is all that most students know of her.

Shelie was a 29-year-old wife, mother of three, employee of MHCC for ten years, a fluent speaker of Spanish and Japanese, the coordinator of the Literacy Coalition, and an endless warrior for the acclimation of foreign Spanish/Latino students into an English speaking community.

Her life inspired her friends and colleagues to honor her and her cause after her untimely passing.

In her name, others thought that an annual scholarship would be appropriate and Shelie would have loved it. “Shelie so valued education,” said Linda Neumann the AAWCC Treasurer and a Supervisor.

The scholarship itself is given to a Spanish/Latino student who is learning English and working towards a MHCC degree.

This year’s recipient is Leticia Villegas, and last year’s was Sergio. The scholarship covers tuition, fees, and books.

The future of this scholarship depends on acquiring that last $5000. To help, attend the book sale in her honor held in October.

When this racehorse runs past the finish line those students holding their tickets will have the chance at the Shelie Macias scholarship for each year from here on out.

Volume 41, Issue 2