September 30, 2005
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20 million stoners
can’t be wrong
Corin Salnave
The Advocate

Distilled in a false sense of accomplishment, the war on drugs continues.

Uppers and downers, now available over the counter, distort the view on narcotics. Many would agree that the government’s tactics for control border on hilarity.

Caffeine in large quantities is perfectly legal in countless forms (Diet Pepsi is my drug of choice). Though moderately addictive and poor for your health, caffeine finds its way into the hands of America’s youth everyday.

In that same regard, cakes, candy and all fast food restaurants should be prohibited for assisting in a nationwide epidemic known as obesity.

Pregnant women chain-smoke cigarettes while homeless alcoholics chug fifths of cheap liquor, and the rest of us rubberneck helplessly. Yet marijuana remains illegal.

Even after the plant’s medicinal properties were realized and admitted to, the middle aged fat-cats of Washington decided over a bowl that it would behoove their wallets if cannabis were to stay an illegal substance.

Meanwhile, marijuana has been used to treat a myriad of illnesses for thousands of years. Nausea, chronic pain and other problems related to cancer, AIDS, multiple sclerosis, epilepsy, glaucoma and Goddess knows how many other physical and emotional issues, can all be comforted with a little sativa.

The United States Supreme Court ruled this summer to override medical marijuana statutes in 10 states, including Oregon. Patients whose doctors recommended or prescribed medicinal marijuana, along with those who grow the plants for them, can now be arrested and prosecuted.

Thanks to The Man’s stance on marijuana, ill folks are left to suffer needlessly or risk being arrested. The law leaves so many otherwise law-abiding citizens with outrageous court costs, probation and even jail time.

The perpetually stoned comedian, Tommy Chong, was made an example when he spent nine months in jail for Internet distribution of bongs and pipes, considered to be drug paraphernalia.

Government oppression, corporate drug testing and other asinine policies intimidate pot smokers into silence but don’t keep anyone on the straight and narrow. Head shops are profiting highly with different potions and powered urine to fool drug tests. Not many people seem to smoke while on the job anyway, and even fewer are dumb enough to get caught.

Stupidity rules in all facets of mankind. The foolish, butt-headed and severely uneducated will always find ways to ruin basic rights and privileges for the rest of us. Take a stand against idiocy and a stand against injustice. When you get the chance, vote to legalize marijuana.

Volume 41, Issue 2