February 3, 2006
Volume 41, Issue 15

Evan Green / The Advocate

Bush’s speech creates more questions


The annual State of the Union address was delivered Tuesday night, by our fearless leader, President George W. Bush.
Today, I take the opportunity to rebut some statements made.
Bush has faced criticism on the war and Iraq and many requests to get our boys out of there.

Bush on Iraq - “There is no honor in retreat.”
Yet, according to his past actions, there must be honor in engaging in war with countries based on inaccurate information. There must also be honor in denying that you are ever wrong.

More Bush on Iraq - “Yet, there is a difference between responsible criticism that aims for success, and defeatism that refuses to acknowledge anything but failure. Hindsight alone is not wisdom. And second-guessing is not a strategy.”
This nation should do more second-guessing. No one second-guessed before the Iraq war. No one verified the facts. Bush ignored the facts. Yes, this nation should embrace second-guessing before we get into more trouble.
Bush really does love his USA PATRIOT Act. He has been trying to get that thing renewed for some time now. He is facing stiff opposition, however, due to the content of the act.

Bush on the PATRIOT Act - “Our country must also remain on the offensive against terrorism here at home. I ask you to reauthorize the PATRIOT Act.”
Our nation stands for many freedoms most of the rest of the world do not have. The via PATRIOT Act, passed in a time of fear and doubt, struck down some of those freedoms. If we pass this Act again, we are doing what those who despise our country hope we will do. We will be giving up our freedoms that they hate.
Evidently, Bush does not think our phone calls should be private anymore. He has approved surveillance on international communications by suspected terrorists without a warrant, a controversial decision.

Bush on wiretapping - “So to prevent another attack, based on authority given to me by the Constitution and by statute, I have authorized a terrorist surveillance program to aggressively pursue the international communications of suspected al-Qaeda operatives and affiliates to and from America.”
Yet again, due to fear and doubt, this administration wants to take away our essential freedoms. These actions may not affect the average citizen at the moment, but they will set a precedent we should not be setting. In the words of Benjamin Franklin, “They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.”
Finally, Bush has decided to talk about the Union he is supposed to be addressing. Unfortunately, his decisions about local issues have not been that great, either.

Bush on Social Security - “So, tonight, I ask you to join me in creating a commission to examine the full impact of Baby Boom retirements on Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid.”
This nation does not need a commission. When the Baby Boom generation retires, we are going to see a record number of individuals using social Security, Medicare and Medicaid. We already know this. What we need is a solution, not a study.

Bush on energy - “Keeping America competitive requires affordable energy. Here we have a serious problem: America is addicted to oil, which is often imported from unstable parts of the world.”
Duh! We have known that for a long time. Unfortunately, no serious money has been delegated to promotion of other fuel sources. The technology is out there, but this administration has not done a good job of getting it to the masses.

Bush on education - “And to keep America competitive, one commitment is necessary above all: we must continue to lead the world in human talent and creativity. Our greatest advantage in the world has always been our educated, hard-working, ambitious people and we are going to keep that edge.”
The day after this speech was given, the House passed the bill 216-214, cutting funding to both Medicaid and student loans. Enough said.
Yet again, the State of the Union has created more questions and left many unanswered. This nation finds itself facing many crucial decisions, many of which will affect us for years to come. Thank you, God help you, and may God help America.