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Submissions Policy
Readers are encouraged to submit letters to the editor and guest columns for publication in The Advocate. All submissions must be typed, and must include the writer’s name, phone number, address and major (if applicable). Phone numbers and addresses will not be printed unless requested. The Advocate will not print any unsigned submissions.
Letters to the editor should not exceed 250 words and guest columns should not exceed 600. The decision to publish is at the discretion of the editorial board and on a space-available basis. The Advocate reserves the right to edit for style, punctuation, grammar and length.
Please bring submissions to either the office of The Advocate, Room 1369, or email to [email protected]. Submissions must be received by noon Tuesday, the week of publication, in order to be considered.
All articles, features, photos and graphics contained herein are the property of The Advocate and may not be reproduced or published without written permission. Opinions expressed in columns, letters to the editor or advertisements are the views of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of The Advocate or MHCC.