January 14 , 2005
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Switching career goals is not a major deal
The Advocate

A new issue, which usually starts in winter term, has risen among the students. Many students have decided that they have had enough of their current classes and are ready to switch majors. This is not an uncommon event at this time of year and there is no shame in deciding that your career goals have changed.

Think about how many times your goals have changed already. Is there anyone who came near what they wanted to be when they grew up?

The point is that as we change as people, the course of our lives changes. Just because someone was bent on becoming a high school football coach doesn’t mean they can’t become a research chemist instead. There is no shame in changing your major from physics to english.

It helps to think of life as a great sports play: you can’t just run to the goal. Sometimes, in order to reach the final goal, we have to run in a direction that takes us completely away from where we are headed. This helps us avoid obstacles we are not prepared for and allows us to gain perspective and plot the best route to our goal. So don’t be surprised or embarrassed if your career goals take a sharp turn because that is just a factor of life.

Volume 40, Issue 13