News Briefs |
Let the bidding begin The Mt. Hood CommunityCollege Foundation is holding its33rd annual auction benefitingscholarships and teaching enhance-ments at the Oregon ConventionCenter May 14 at 5 p.m. Dubbed “The Auction of theCentury!” in celebration ofGresham’s 100th birthday, theauction will feature trips, jewel-ry and a variety of handmadeitems in addition to entertain-ment provided by the MHCC JazzBand and vocal group Genesis. Reservations are required andcost $75 per person, whichincludes dinner. For more information call503-491-7206. Calling all chocoholics Mt. Hood’s ContinuingEducation department will holdthree new cooking classes thisspring at Centennial High Schoolin Gresham, Room CN177. “Chocolate Lover’s Dream”(HEC4CL) will be held May 18from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. and focus-es on chocolate cakes andaccents. “Mastering Spices” (HCE4MS)will be held June 1 from 6 9 p.m. and teaches the use offresh and dried spices to flavoreveryday meals. “Friday Night Suppers”(HEC4FS) will meet May 12 from6 p.m. to 9 p.m. and includeseasy recipes that promise toentertain as well as feed. The cost of these classes is$34 and for more informationcall 503-491-7572. Theater departmentauditions this weekend The Mt. Hood RepertoryTheatre Company will be holdingauditions for its upcomingAmerican Classics TheatreFestival, set to run in late Julyat the Mt. Hood CommunityCollege studio theater, AC 1118,Saturday and Sunday. This year's productionsinclude the 1920's classic “TheFront Page”, directed by TrishaPancio Armour and “TalkingWith,” directed by Trish Egan.For more information on theplays, visit the MHRTC AmericanClassics Theatre Festival page bywebsite at Gresham Little Theatersays goodbye to localmusician Local musician and songwriter Dave Bell is leaving Gresham forthe icy waters of Alaska afteraccepting a position as a musicaldirector for a year. The Gresham Little Theater isthrowing a good-bye concert thisSunday, April 10th, in his honor.The doors will open at 7 p.m.with a $2 admission fee. The Gresham Little Theater islocated at 30639 SEBluff Road. For more imformation anddirections to the theater, you cancontact Elizabeth at 971-219-4784 |