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LAC website wins award for wasy-to-use layout

Jill Aho
The Advocate


The Learning Assistance Center (LAC) has won it’s second consecutive award from the National College Learning Center Association for their website. This achievement is due to the easy layout, easy to understand labels, and easy to navigate features.

Sharon Juenemann, a Learning Skills Specialist at MHCC, said, “Our website has information that is immediately useable to students.” The site includes tutoring schedules and schedules of Student Success Seminars as well as streamed videos on study strategies.

The LAC offers a variety of free academic support services including drop-in tutoring in a variety of areas, an open lab designed to provide help in using software, tutoring for computer courses, and special software to aid students in typing, languages, and speed reading. They also employ learning specialists who can help students develop study habits and time management plans.

The next student success seminar is on Wednesday, October 13 in AC 3311 from 12-1 p.m. A complete list of these seminars and other services from the LAC can be found at:
