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October is often termed the “Silly Season” of politics, especially in a presidential election year. Everyone has been bombarded with ads, debates (and debate analysis), bumper stickers, lawn signs, ranting radio-talk hosts pretending to be newspeople and millions of other assaults on our collective psyche.
The temptation to turn it all off is an easy one to succumb to. As is the temptation to never even turn it on.
But there are things going on this time around. Look at how divided this country is. Look how divided this city is. Look how divided our campus is.
What about the massive voter registration drives? Or the attendance and fervor of political rallies? Surely these things mean something. They mean that things are different this year. Finally, we are seeing real choices to be made on issues that we care about— because they affect us.
From healthcare to gay marriage to jobs to war, there is an issue for everyone to get their arms around. Keep yours eyes open. Keep your head up. Get registered. Vote.