September 26, 2005
Home Staff Archives


Boston team trains students
MHCC’s Bruning Center hosted a group of simulation experts from the Center for Medical Simulation in Boston Sept. 12 - 14. The group trained students and educators in medical simulation practices for the first time outside of the greater Boston, Mass., area.

President’s evaluation good
The president’s evaluation summary for 2004-2005 was approved unanimously by the MHCCD Board of Education Sept. 14. Dr. Robert Silverman was praised for the skills he has applied to all aspects of his position.

Part-time faculty honored
Two MHCC instructors were honored Tuesday with the 2005 Part-Time Faculty Award for Excellence in Teaching. Donna Ball, who teaches GED classes at Mt. Hood and Jeannie Thompson, a physical therapist instructor were awarded.
Ball, a retired math teacher from Gresham-Barlow, said she loves her job and is excited about her award.
The women were also honored at the Part-Time Faculty Inservice Thursday.

Board approves budget
The MHCCD Board of Education met Sept. 14 to approve the adjusted budget from the previous meeting.
The main topic was Early Childhood Education that is serving the Mt. Hood Community College Service District.
The next board meeting is Oct. 12 at 7 p.m. in the MHCCD Board Room.

Donations being collected
Former faculty member Kevin Roberts and his wife lost their home and belongings after Hurricane Katrina struck New Orleans.
Those interested in making a donation to aid Kevin Roberts and his family can bring donations to Ursula Irwin, instructor of literature and composition. Her office is located in the Humanities Division.

Volume 41, Issue 1