February 3, 2006
Volume 41, Issue 15


Hamas Victory is Democracy at its finest

Some might consider Hamas a terrorist group just because they have claimed responsibility for hundreds of suicide bombings, but there’s an old saying that goes “One man’s terrorist is another man’s freedom fighter.” Thanks to free elections last week, Hamas has become the legitimate government in Palestine.
If people are worried about Hamas acting as the government, they don’t need to be. There is no need to fear a democratically elected official. Ever. Only tyrants are bad. If you’re starting to think the Hamas are just like the Taliban, you are wrong. Wrong, wrong, wrong.
It’s good to see that democracy is taking root in the Middle East, and as sure as the sun is bright, Palestinians will probably be adopting some freedoms we find in our own land.
The right to bear arms and liberal suicide laws are right around the corner; freedom of religion will probably take a tad longer, but as time has shown a country can change overnight. Rome was built in a day. Right?
Those writing history will choose what to remember. I say they begin by excluding Hamas claiming responsibility for murdering Israelis. It’s for the best. This way it can be a surprise when Palestine starts the apocalypse with Israel, and Americans who didn’t pay attention now can rest easy knowing we tried our best to give Palestinians democracy. They have our stamp of approval, and now we wash our hands of the mess. Until, of course, it is inevitably banging down our door.
Never forget. Remember the rhetoric.

-James McEcheron