October 29 , 2004
Volume 40, Issue 13
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Ad campaigns getting dirty so choose wisely who you vote for

Nicole Donner

The Advocate

As Nov. 2 moves closer, politicians are finding new ways to campaign themselves. Whether it’s building another promise or attacking a competitor on mistakes they’ve made in the past, the public watches as this election turns dirtier.

It all started in July when a commercial funded by a group called Swift Boat Veterans attacked Sen. John Kerry on his participation in the Vietnam War, claiming Kerry didn’t rightfully earn his Purple Hearts and accusing Kerry of several war crimes. Democrat or Republican, the public gasped at this low blow of an attack. President George Bush even felt obligated to send a message out to the public, proclaiming his respect for Kerry and describing Kerry’s service to his country as admirable. This was just the tip of the iceberg.

During the third and final presidential debate between George Bush and John Kerry, moderator Bob Schieffer of CBS News asked if they thought homosexuality was a choice? After Bush said what he had to say, Kerry opened with, “I think if you were to talk to Dick Cheney’s daughter, who is a lesbian,...”

Many voters, no matter what their political affiliation, found themselves taken back or offended by Kerry’s reference. Cheney shot back the day after, claiming, “I am not just speaking as a father here, although I am a pretty angry father.”
People remain divided on whether this attack was out of line for Kerry or a cleverly planned political attack.

The elections here in Oregon have turned even uglier with local politicians like Republican Goli Ameri and Democrat David Wu. The Oregonian recently released a 28 -year-old story about an assault against an old girlfriend made by a 21-year-old Wu. He’s trying to shrug off these allegations by explaining that he and the accuser had reached an agreement and the lawsuit was settled. Ameri released an attack commercial, taking direct quotes from the article and abuse counselors. Quotes directly from the Oregonian article flashing across viewer’s television screen sent shudders down voter’s spines.

Wu has recently retaliated with another ad saying of Ameri,“Goli Ameri wants to take political advantage and I can’t stop her from trying.” Many say that Ameri’s ad has not changed their opinion of Wu and he continues his campaign with a new strength in Oregon.

Politicians are turning desperate to earn your vote this November. Through all the dirty laundry they can dig up or lies they fabricate about each other, you must remember the reason for these elections.

Be careful of who’s oval you fill in on your voting ballot. These people will represent Oregonians at the White House and other political events: choose wisely.