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Something wicked this way comes - and it's not Kerry/Edwards

Jackson White

The Advocate

I, like many Kerry supporters, am depressed. My president — our lefty choice – has been cast aside by the democratic process, hampered by the right-wing push to spur Republican voters and denied an office deserving of his character or, at least, deserving due to his striking contrast to the religious zealot currently serving as chief executive and commander of our armed forces – George W. Bush.

Now we – the democratic-minded masses – are left to ponder the implications of this finality. What can we expect over the course of the next four years? Will Bush and Dick offer “more of the same,” or will they finally see the strong divide across our country and work to create unity not just within our country, but also around the world?

And what of Iraq? I pray to the forces that reside in the various “inviso-spheres” that Bush cedes to some level of common sense, opts to increase his international effort to help win the war that is, as you read this, causing the deaths of our over-worked and under-paid troops. I’m getting tired of hearing about heads being lopped off by nut-jobs in orange jumpsuits and masks. We’re all growing weary of reading about Oregon soldiers coming home in caskets, and the violence that continues to rage across Iraq isn’t doing much in the way of creating optimism.
And what of Oregon’s leaning concerning the various ballot measures? What the hell happened? Thousands of homosexual couples will, at least until a repeal is drafted for the next general election or Measure 36 is challenged through state courts, be left without medical coverage. It’s interesting. Through the process of maintaining the “sanctity” of marriage, Oregon is denying gays and lesbians health services. Why?

Are homosexuals really that offensive? Are they really that despicable? Is marriage really that sanctimonious? Jesus H. Christ – they’re still people that live, work and play, just like any Christian or Catholic! And I know I’m not the first person to say this, but why is our state constitution – even our federal constitution – being used to advocate religious ideas?

There’s something seriously wrong with this country and I think Howard Stern said it best yesterday morning: “Face it people, we’re now living in a religious country, whether you like it or not.”

Oregonians are a weird lot of people. We say, “Sure, patients should be able to smoke weed if their ailment warrants it,” but we won’t give them the means to legally obtain the herb. Just wait. One day, when your back is aching or your debilitating arthritis is wreaking havoc on your daily life, you’ll be saying, “Ugh, I wish I’d voted to allow dispensaries.” And if you don’t say that, sure, you’ll have a plethora of heroine byproducts to choose from to alleviate your problem. Hypocrites.

But hey, at least the general election turned out something good: Ballot Measure 26-64 didn’t pass! Damn right. Schools, public services and safety will be supplemented for at least the next two years. For those of you who’re mad about that, just remember that a society, a community, will always benefit when its citizens know how to read, write and not be stupid. There are tons of socioeconomic plusses to keep in mind next time you start griping about having to pay for something that, even if you can’t see the immediate results, will yield a more generally conducive neighborhood. Kids will continue to realize that gangs are retarded; ignorance will, hopefully, continue its slow decline and when one, just one, student can be taught the skills necessary to contribute to society, you will all see, reap, the benefits of that student’s education. And you’ll feel good knowing that you helped to make life better for countless kids and assisted in making our little town safer for you and me.

Damn Ohio. I curse the deep southern United States, and loathe the Midwest. Screw the Electoral College. But we’ll keep watching, waiting for change. The cyclical nature of our world continues its unruly spin, but slowly, surely, we’re ascending the ladder to enlightenment and peace, and this regression won’t last. It can’t.