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MHCC will bring beach party to campus

By Mike Mata
The Advocate

The Associated Student Government will close its year of events with Thursday‘s “Beach Bash,” a beach-themed dance in MHCC gym from 8 p.m. to midnight.

The dance will not have a dress code but students are encouraged to wear beach attire such as bikinis, board shorts and flip-flops, said Director of Diversity Brandi Freeman. Prizes will be given out, including an iPad, iPod and a digital camera. Tickets for the drawing will be handed out at the door and

snacks and drinks will be available.
“We encourage students to dress up.  We are looking for 500 students to come.  We want there to be the biggest turnout,” said Freeman.

Students will be required to show their student ID cards and are allowed one non-MHCC guest, though only students will be eligible for prizes. Besides MHCC students, high school seniors are also encouraged to attend and will only need their student ID cards to get in the dance.

“We’ve taken fliers to local businesses in Gresham, talked with administrators at local high schools, hung up posters at Reynolds High School, handed them at Gresham High School,” said Freeman.

“We tried getting there (the high schools) when classes ended to hand out fliers,” she said. 

There will be two DJs at the dance: one DJ for the first two hours and then DJ Kick-Mix will take over from 10 p.m. to midnight. DJ Kick-Mix is known for his work with artists like The Black Eyed Peas, Eminem, Lady Gaga, The Killers, Lil Wayne and Travis Barker.

“We saw him at the NACA (National Association for Campus Activities) conference in California in November,” said Student Activities Marketing Coordinator BJ Perkins.

The dance is on Thursday this year because the GED graduation is on Friday and commencement is on Saturday, so space for the dance was limited, according to Freeman.

“Most students don’t have finals on Friday,” she added.

In addition to the raffle prizes, there will also be dance and limbo contests with VISA gift cards as prizes.


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