ASMHCC Senate pursues 'free books' for students
By Rachel Kramer
ASMHCC Senate proposed legislation Wednesday that would provide free math and writing textbooks to be checked out for an entire term from the MHCC library.
“This will be our legacy project,” Sean Robinson, Allied Health senator, said.
There would be eight copies of each title, providing materials for required math and writing classes.
According to Robinson, $5000 will be added as a line item to the ASG Student Fee Budget, providing funds to purchase used books from students at MHCC. The books would be given to the library to put in a special section. The library would make it where the due date policy would be overridden, allowing the books to be checked out for an entire term.
“Term check out is the only way to guarantee ‘free books,’” Robinson said.
According to Robinson, the library supports this idea.
In the event that a student was to fail to return one of these books, the library would follow its guidelines. If a book were to be destroyed and bought by a student, those funds would go back to ASG.
“We would be using a well established infrastructure,” Robinson said.
Additionally, the plan is to buy these books from students on campus. According to Robinson, this would not only be cheaper, but it would be a way to give back to the students.
In order to keep track of proper editions, a connection would be made with the faculty senate.
By using the library, however, there is concern over who will be checking out these books. As the library is open to all students, there is no guarantee that the neediest will be able to get a copy of the books.
According to Robinson, he would like to pursue giving books to the Transitions program and TRIO, but that requires separate legislation.
“There is no cure all plan,” Robinson said. “This is the best for everyone.”
This bill will be further discussed at the next senate meeting, Wednesday at 3 p.m.
Also during the meeting:
• Dick Magruder, Student Events & Center Coordinator, reminded senators to campaign for voter turn out. Last year only 200 students voted.
• Senate applications are due May 26 for next year’s senators. Applications can be picked up in the college center.
• Stephen Floyd, ASG director of communication, informed the senate that following next Wednesday’s board meeting, more will be known about the bond measure. He told them that President Silverman would appreciate student support.