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April 15 is deadline for ASG posts

By Mike Mata
The Advocate

Filing deadline for president and vice president of the MHCC Associated Student Government elections is today and application packets are due to Student Events & Center Coordinator Meadow McWhorter in the College Center by noon.

"We haven't received any packets yet, but I have seen several students collecting signatures," McWhorter said Thursday. 

There were 50 packets handed out in the last two weeks, though the list of candidate names was unavailable at Thursday's press time.

There will be mandatory candidate meetings on Monday in the Council Chambers; candidates may attend either the 1-2 p.m. or 5-6 p.m. meeting, with the biographies of candidates due on Wednesday by 5 p.m. via email.
Official campaigning begins April 25. There will be a candidate meet-and-greet April 28 in the College Center from 12-2 p.m.

The vice presidential debates will take place May 3 from noon-1 p.m. in the Main Mall, with the presidential debates following the next day at the same time and place.

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