September 21, 2009 – Volume 45, Issue 1

Jazz Festival back at MHCC for second consecutive year

M. Michael Rose
The Advocate

Despite difficulties finding sponsorship, the Mt Hood Jazz Festival took place this summer for it’s 28th consecutive year.

According to Mt. Hood Jazz Festival Board of Directors President Susie Jones, the current financial climate made finding sponsors for the event a difficult task.

This resulted in the festival being smaller than it had been in years past.

“We are just glad that we were able to put on a really nice event considering this is the worst economy since the great depression,” Jones said.

This year’s jazz festival was held at two locations and ran from August 14 to 16. In addition to Mt. Hood Community College several performances took place at the Gresham Center for the Arts Plaza.

The jazz festival performances were the first events to be held in the newly constructed plaza, which is located in downtown Gresham.

The events held at the plaza, which took place on August 15, were open to the public with no charge for admission.

The jazz festival featured artists of both local and national renown. “It was a nice opportunity to showcase some of our local artists who are really of world class talent,” said Jones, commenting on Portland’s local Jazz artist population.

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