'Modern Warfare 2' preview:
Graphics, storyline don't disappoint
The Advocate
Game developer Infinity Ward is faced with quite a challenge in meeting the expectations set forth by the first game in its Modern Warfare series.
The original Modern Warfare took the gaming industry by storm, earning award after award from gaming media.
But from my limited time playing the single player campaign of the Xbox 360 version of “Modern Warfare 2,” I can safely say that the second game in this series will not disappoint.
The graphics are amazing. The game sports crisp environments with an amazing level of detail and color. Thankfully, “Modern Warfare 2” embraces the cinematic aspects of the first game.
What I find nice about this series is that where other games would resort to a cut scene with a third person camera perspective, Modern Warfare 2 keeps the perspective first person through the entire game.
Within the first five minutes of post-tutorial game-play, the kind people at Infinity Ward saw fit to put me at the trigger of a Humvee-mounted gatling gun. After an incredibly tense ride through a highly detailed Middle Eastern city, the action is kicked into high gear as the convoy comes under fire from all sides.
What makes this game fun is not simply the amazing firefights but the massive amounts of suspense generated by incredibly well-executed cinematic.
From moments like the convoy ambush to infiltrating a military base by ice climbing an unstable mountainside, Modern Warfare 2 provides a satisfying, white-knuckle, thrill ride of explosions and gunfire.
“Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2” is released Nov. 10.
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