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Club seeks donations for kits

Jen Ashenberner
The Advocate

Rho Theta is looking for donations of toothbrushes and bars of soap to send to Medical Teams International to help those in need.

Rho Theta members made 161 “Hope Kits” consisting of personal hygiene items like deodorant, toothpaste, etc., at the honor society conference on the weekend of Oct. 31.

They would like to make 60 more kits and need donations of 80 toothbrushes and 120 bars of soap.

Medical Teams International is an organization that focuses their efforts on community health, disaster response, emergency medical services and medical supplies distribution. The group’s “ultimate goal is to serve the people stricken by disaster, conflict and poverty all over the world with the most effective programs possible,” according to their website.

Those interested in making a donation should go to the front desk in the College Center, the Rho Theta office located in the College Center, or take them to the office of Beth Sammons, the Rho Theta adviser, in AC2382.


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