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Campus clean up to celebrate Earth Day
The Advocate
Students, faculty and community members have a chance to help clean up the MHCC campus Saturday from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. during the 10th annual Campus Clean Up Day.
“It’s basically spending a couple hours in the fields on the back side of campus — we give everybody bags and gloves — and then we just pick up as much trash as we can,” said Chris Gorsek, event organizer and geology and criminal justice instructor. “It’s a nice thing that we can do, and I think that it just helps to keep that back area cleaner. With all the grass, bushes, and shrubs back there, it can get kind of dirty.”
But as dirty as it may get, Gorsek said, without help it won’t change.
“Some years I’ve been the only person. And other years, like last year, we must have had about 20 people. So usually you figure if you get about five to 10, you’re doing OK,” Gorsek said.
The goal this year is to have around 50 people come out, support the cause and help clean up the campus.
“This is probably the first year that I’ve actually received some e-mails from people around campus who are interested, so hopefully we can get a good turnout,” Gorsek said.
The event, at the end of Earth Week, is designed to be a small, but important, way to give back to the community and environment, he said.
“I think it’s important to do what you can. While it’s a small thing, it’s the small things that add up to bigger things,” said Gorsek. “I think a lot of times when people look at the big, giant picture, it’s really intimidating and a lot of people think ‘Oh there’s nothing I can do.’ But these (clean up projects) are small little things that make a difference. It’s just like taking the time to occasionally ride your bike, or walk somewhere instead of using your car, or take the bus or the train.
“All these little things add up, so I would encourage them to lose a little sleep and come out,” Gorsek said. “It’s a positive thing and I think it makes most people feel pretty good that they’ve actually gone out and done something.”
For those interested in participating, the group will meet at 9 a.m. on the corner of Stark Street and Troutdale Road. For more information, contact Gorsek at 503-491-7321.