October 16, 2009 – Volume 45, Issue 5

QSA organized an event thursday
Photo by Sanne Godfrey/ The Advocat

QSA President Heather Nichelle-Peres hosted the "Guess the Het" event sponsered by QSA Thursday. Panelists Natalie Sutantodinata (far left) and Haylie Machlan listen at the beginning of the event.


QSA helps to 'break down' stereotype

Sanne Godfrey
The Advocate

As part of Coming Out Week the Queer Straight Alliance (QSA) organized the event “Guess the Het” on Thursday, which brought forward a record-breaking three winners, according to QSA President Heather Nichelle-Peres.

Nichelle-Peres said that last year and the year before there were no winners at the event. The panel consisted of seven people who were asked to answer questions from the audience about their life, excluding their sex life.

After the audience was given the answers to their questions the audience was asked to guess two of the heterosexuals on the panel.

The panel was also asked questions about their hobbies, their music interests, movie interests and the longest relationship they had been in thus far.

There were a couple of people that did not show up for the event, which is why this year there were three straight people on the panel, according to Nichelle-Peres.

“The event is really about pushing boundaries of how people think,” said panelist Melissa Mouser, who was the QSA president last year.
Nichelle-Peres said, “It’s about breaking down stereotypes.”
Panelist Kate Burns is one of two Oregon Student Equal Rights Alliance

(OSERA) reps on campus and a liaison between QSA and Oregon Student Association (OSA.)
OSERA is working with MHCC students to collect data on discrimination on campus.

The stories from the MHCC students will be used in the campus climate report, which will be brought to legislators.
OSERA works closely with OSA to gather this data as well as with QSA to get their help in completing the data.

Burns said that OSERA is new on campus but that events like these are really important to the community.

SAB seasonal events coordinator Collin Miller was part of the panel and said he heard about the event in the SAB office and jumped on the opportunity to be part of the panel.

“I just received a text message to come here after class,” said fellow panelist Natalie Sutantodinata.

This is QSA’s most popular event, which is why it is brought back annually, according to Nichelle-Peres.

Mouser said, “I really enjoy doing this event.”
Panelist Joseph Barker, Miller and Burns were the “hets” on the panel.

Panelist Hailey Machlan and Mouser announced that they were pansexual, which is a little different than bisexuality according to Mouser.

Mouser said that pansexuality is about being attracted toward a type of personality not a gender. “I’m flexible,” said Mouser.
A video of the event will be available on www.advocate-online.net.

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