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Four year old gives insight to 'Wild Things' adaptation

Sanne Godfrey
The Advocate

Joshua Godfrey went to see “Where the Wild Things Are” Monday with his mother, his sister and his uncle.

Joshua Godfrey

Joshua Godfrey

Joshua is a 4-year-old preschool student who has read the book numerous times and likes to act out scenes from books with his mom, dad and younger sister, Zoey.

Sanne Godfrey: Did you like the movie?
Joshua Godfrey: No
SG: Did you think the movie was funny?
JG: Yes. I like it when the wild things jumped.
SG: Did you think the movie was scary?
JG: Yes, when the monsters tried to eat Max.
SG: Did you like Max?
JG: Yes, he’s big. He has a crown. He got it from Carol (one of the wild things in the movie.)
SG: Did you like the wild things?
JG: I like K.C. I like all the monsters. They’re scary.
SG: Do you like the wild things or Max?
JG: I like Max and Carol both. They were fighting in the movie. I want to be Carol, because then I can scare you and I can scare Zoey.
SG: What was the scariest thing Max did?
JG: He went on a boat.
SG: Would you be scared on a boat?
JG: I would be scared going back and running into tigers.
SG: Did you like the book or the movie better?
JG: I like the book.
SG: Were they similar?
JG: Yep. Carol is big.

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