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Cosmetology students compete in annual competition

Ollie Barker & David Gambill
The Advocate

MHCC cosmetology students competed Sunday in the Student Day of Success at the Lloyd Center Double Tree in Portland.

Students competed against other local beauty schools in the hair, make-up and nail departments.

About 300 students from the Portland-metro area attended the annual competition, including 26 MHCC students. Cosmetology student Monica Ann Blackmer placed second in the sculptured nail competition.

Six other MHCC students competed: Mollie Kirkpatrick in women’s commercial cut, Henry Reyes in men’s fade, Sopheap Yin and Rattey Yin in evening comb-out and makeup, Francine Crabb in sculpted nails and Sierra Haggart in fantasy makeup.

Cosmetology student Karen Stalsberg described fantasy makeup as butterflies on a face or a feathered makeup look. She said you would only see it on a runway or magazine model but you wouldn’t see it on the street unless someone was trying to make a statement.

Competitors were judged in three main areas: originality, creativity and workmanship.

Sculpting nails is a form of artwork using detail and imagination.

Students needed to fill out a submission packet located in the cosmetology department or had registered online at studentdayofsuccess.com.

Crabb, a first-year cosmetology student, was one of the 26 MHCC students who competed. “I wanted to compete for fun and since I’m in nail term, I decided to sign up,” she said. This was her first cosmetology competition, and she said she wasn’t sure what to expect.

Cosmetology faculty member Juanita Loveland said the students did well in comparison to bigger schools. “On a whole, we only have 50-some students, where a lot of schools have a 100, 150. So I felt we did really well.”

Loveland said competitions and events help gather new ideas, “Even as an instructor, and I’ve been in this a for long time, I always get something and I watch the others as much as I do my students because maybe there’s something that I can bring back that somebody else has.”

The scores ranged from 30 (high) to 0 (low). Students needed to provide their own models.

Interested students wanting to compete next year can stay posted by checking at studentdayofsuccess,com, or by speaking with the MHCC cosmetology instructors.

The school with the most points is awarded a traveling trophy for display until the annual event, then it is passed on.

The winner of each category was awarded either cash or a prize donated by the sponsors of the event.

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