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ASG presidential tickets prepare for week of campaigning and debating

Jordan Tichenor
The Advocate

Campaigning for the positions of 2010-2011 Associated Student Government president and vice president starts Monday.

During the campaign week, there will be two debates held in the Main Mall, weather permitting. In case of inclement weather, the debates will be moved to the College Center. The vice presidential debate will be Wednesday from 4 to 5 p.m., and the presidential debate will be Thursday from noon to 1 p.m.

Each candidate will be asked the same question in a roundtable fashion, and be given a certain amount of time to respond. Both debates have been scheduled to last one hour.

The Elections Committee will decide on questions for the candidates. The audience will also be allowed to ask some questions.

The three teams of candidates —Larry Collins and running mate Jon Francis, Dee Hawes Sr. and running mate Richard Ison, and Nikki Jauron with running mate Heather Tarabella — outlined in their election petition forms what they hope to achieve if elected.

The following statements are printed exactly as they appeared in the candidate’s forms.

Collins said, “I want to better utilize our diversity as a bridge to unite us rather than a wall to divide us. I want to get better funding for lower income families and students who seek to better their lives through education.”

Hawes said, “I would like to be able to define and implement a better way of communication between the student government and the student body.” He also said he “would like to see the constructing of a handicap ‘ramp’ or access into the main court yard of the campus from the drop off zone.”

Jauron said she would like to “improve cohesiveness in student govt, assist in student concerns, improve the current ASG structure by offering experience/leadership.”

Voting will start May 3 and end May 6, and will be conducted online. The winner will be announced May 8 at the Spring Dinner Dance.

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