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Student rock band scheduled to perform for ‘Rites of Spring,' 2nd band to be announced

David Gambill
The Advocate

“Everyday Life” will be one of two bands performing at the Main Mall during the Rites of Spring festivities hosted by the Student Activity Board Wednesday between noon and 2 p.m.

Everyday Life features two Mt. Hood broadcast students, Jon Fromm and Logan Irish. Fromm is the drummer and Irish plays bass.

Fromm said the band expects to play the songs “Dark in the Shadows” and “Let Me Go,” which are in the rotation of the MHCC radio station KMHC.

Fromm described the group’s style as “versatile in the rock genre,” and said its biggest influence is pop-punk group Blink 182.

He also said they will be giving away a few song samplers in addition to selling an LP at the show.

SAB Seasonal Event Coordinator Collin Miller said music won’t be the only highlight of the two-hour event.

There will be a free barbeque put on by Chartwell’s (the MHCC food service contractor), a three-legged race and a performance by the top talents of Tuesday’s talent show.

Miller said the food will cater to vegetarians and carnivores alike, but it will be first come, first served.

Miller said there will only be enough free food for about 300 people.

The second band will be announced later this week.

You can preview Everyday Life at

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