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Officer on hand to help veterans get benefits

Sanne Godfrey
The Advocate

Campus Veterans Service Officer Ron Kincaid will be on campus every second and fourth Wednesday of the month to help veterans obtain benefits.

Kincaid said his main goal is to “get the word out to veterans that there are benefits available.”

Previously, the MHCC Veterans Office was able to assist veterans in getting help with educational benefits, but with Kincaid’s help veterans can get information about other benefits such as health care, home loans and compensation for injuries.

Kincaid said not all benefits are available to all veterans, but that he would be more than happy to help anyone figure out what benefits they are eligible for.

Kincaid has been a veterans service officer for 16 years and is now reaching out to veterans in college to get them the help and benefits they’re entitled to.

“There’s a lot of benefits out there,” said Kincaid.

Kincaid can be contacted at the MHCC Student Services area, Room 2256, on the second and fourth Wednesday of each month from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. or via e-mail at [email protected], on his cell phone 503-559-3247 or his office at 503-725-5524.


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