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Event to pay off band's Taiwan trip

David Gambill
The Advocate

David Gambill
The Advocate

The MHCC Jazz Band is scheduled to open for the Gabriel Alegria Sextet Monday at 7:30 p.m. in the College Theater.

Also opening for the sextet will be David Douglas High School’s Jazz Band.

The event is a benefit to help pay off MHCC Jazz Band’s recent trip to Taiwan in February and the proceeds going to David Douglas High School will put into a scholarship fund, according to Susie Jones, MHCC Jazz Band director.

Tickets are $10 in advance for adults and $12 at the door. Students get a discount of $5 advance purchase and $7 at the door.

Tickets are available at benefit Peruvian buffet will be available in the lobby at 6:30 p.m. There is beer and wine for attendees over 21.

For more information or to preview Gabriel Alegria, visit his website at

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