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Club collects 20 pairs of shoes for children

L. John King
The Advocate

The Physical Therapy Assistants Family Fun Run April 17 gathered 20 pairs of new children’s athletic shoes for donation to an event put together by the national P.T. Assistant Association called “Shoeless Sunday.”

Nissa Sorenson, the president of the club for Physical Therapy Assistant students, said the national association has emphasized the effort to provide needy children with new athletic shoes. Sorenson will represent the college and present the donated shoes at this year’s conference, to be held June 13-16 in Boston.

Sorenson, who has a daily commute of 62 miles each way from her home in Lyle, Wash., said, “The Fun Run was definitely team building for the club members.”

A first-year student in the PT Assistant program, Sorenson said the P.T. assistant students participate in a number of fundraising events throughout the year, including bake sales and garage sales, as well as selling association sweatshirts among themselves. Sorenson said the program also has guest speakers lecture on trends in the physical therapy.

Sorenson said most jobs for graduates are found in hospitals and nursing homes but typically physical therapy assistants find work in private P.T. offices the most desirable.

The program has an enrollment of 24 first-year and 24 second-year students and is set up as a cohort program where all the students take the same courses and progress at the same pace.

MHCC has the only program in Oregon and, according to the career search webpage, a P.T. assistant in the Portland area with less than one year experience can expect to earn from $30,684 to $40,978.

Those interested in the program may contact Debbie VanDover at [email protected] or by calling 503-491-7465.

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