MHCC welcomes new VP for student success and enrollment services
The Advocate
Students should see a new face around campus this term as a new vice president of student success and enrollment services begins his experience at Mt. Hood Community College.
When David Minger met with the Associated Student Government Tuesday, he said he was impressed with the way everyone immediately got up, made introductions and welcomed him to the college.
ASG impressed him by how they are “engaged and not afraid to be involved.” He said he will be looking to them as a source into the student body’s needs in the area of student services.
Priscilla Pitts, senate administrative assistant for ASG, was impressed with Minger in return. “He is going to be a great asset to the college community,” she said. “I’m happy to see what he does for the college.”
Some of Minger’s responsibilities are financial aid, academic advising, student clubs and organizations, and admissions.
“I hope we can simplify things for students by cutting down lines during peak periods,” he said. “We will try to generate new ideas for how to get more financial aid funds for students as well.”
Minger started winter quarter by meeting students, staff and faculty in the fireplace gallery last week. “I was probably talking with one to three people at a time,” Minger said of his experience at the meet and greet. “I’m impressed with the great faculty, staff, and students on campus.”
While his schedule the first week was filled with meeting new faces in the midst of relocating from Flagstaff, Ariz., Minger said he has had time to get acquainted with the campus and MHCC President John Sygielski.
“The president is great,” he said. “The leadership team that he’s pulling together is fantastic.”
The meet-and-greet was such a success that Minger said he would like to set up monthly “open door drop-in” hours. He said this would be so students can have a regular time where they can provide their input and inform him of obstacles that they are running into in the area of student services.
“I enjoy meeting people and hearing what they are trying to get out of Mt. Hood,” Minger said.
Minger said he enjoys hiking and spent time climbing to the summit of Mt. Humphreys, the highest peak in Arizona. He said his next venture will be the American Lung Association’s “Reach the Summit” hike at Mt. Hood.
Vicki Stom, Minger’s administrative assistant, said, “He (Minger) is the best thing to happen in centuries.” She said Minger will make a big difference in student services.
While Minger’s schedule is busy, he hopes students will take advantage of any opportunity to talk to him about their needs. “My door is open most of the time,” he said.
Minger said he’s happy to be here regardless of the rain.
“I grew up in the Northwest,” he said. “I actually like overcast rainy days. There’s too much blue sky in Flagstaff.”
The first item on Minger’s agenda is to get the word out around campus that, “there are some students here from Haiti where they had a huge earthquake,” he said. “I invite the student body to give them care and empathy.”
Although there are many things he would like to accomplish at MHCC, Minger appreciates a lot of what has already been established in his department.
“There’s so much good stuff to build upon,” he said. “So much good stuff already in place.”
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