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Oregon Opportunity Grant reduced for all students

Jordan Tichenor
The Advocate

Payouts for the Oregon Opportunity Grants have been reduced for all students for the spring term.

The payouts are being reduced to keep up with a higher than expected demand for the grant.

The payment will be reduced $120 for full-time students, and $60 for half-time students.

Students who submitted their FAFSA before Aug. 15 will receive the same payments for the rest of the academic year, except for spring term in which all payments are being reduced.

There will be nothing awarded to those who submit their applications after Dec. 15.

“The highest amount a community college student might get is about $2,600 a year, and the lowest is about $400 a year,” said Christi Hart, financial aid office director.

According to Hart, the grant had to be cut by the state last year as well. “The cuts were a little deeper last year,” said Hart. The cuts last year were about $180 for full-time and about $80 for half-time, Hart said.

The cuts this year, however, are not added on top of the cuts last year. The amount for the grant resets every year, and the cuts are taken from the new amounts that are decided at the beginning of each year.

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